Sunday, January 4, 2009

Making the Impossible Seem Easy

I heard somewhere that the definition of insanity was to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different outcome. Over the years I have been the witness to that very phenomenon as I've watched and worked with the men and women of various emergency services and law enforcement throughout Southern California. They go against human nature and even common sense as they turn towards danger instead of away from it.

And they do it over and over again...

And expect the world to be a little better - a little safer - afterwards...

Crazy, huh?

These are a few photos I've taken over the last few weeks leading up to New Years Eve night where the fog was so thick visibility was down to mere feet in some places. And the brave people of our local police, fire, and paramedic services worked through it all without complaint while many of us brought in the new year with parties and family gatherings.

Next time you get a chance, stop and thank them for being crazy enough to make the impossible seem easy...