Friday, April 24, 2009

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry!

Renaissance Pleasure Faire 2009
Irwindale, Ca
"Eat, Drink, and Be Merry!"
What a great creed to follow! This past weekend my family and I took a trip to the fair after a two year hiatus. I had been going off and on for about 20 years or so and my wife and I first went together the day after our Junior Prom in High School (I'll plead the Fifth on how long ago that was!). It's a great event that's marked with hundreds of people (some guests, some volunteer actors) dressed up in renaissance-era garb, speak with an accent, and run around having a generally good time. The best part was the chance to photograph all the colorful costumes and interact with the characters.
The medieval way to hang out...

The Celtic band, "The Dread Crew of Oddwood". My son loved them.

You may go commando, but where would you keep your cell phone?

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